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Building a waterproof and durable barrier for flushable toilet paper fabrics

Sep 12, 2024

On the road to exploring the innovation of flushable toilet paper fabrics, viscose, as a key additive, is bringing revolutionary changes to this field with its unique properties. What is particularly striking is that viscose can form an almost imperceptible transparent film on the surface of the paper. This small but powerful presence not only adds significant waterproof properties to toilet paper, but also greatly improves its durability. and service life.

In daily life, toilet paper often needs to face various humid environments, such as bathrooms, kitchens, etc. Traditional toilet paper often gets wet easily in these situations and loses its proper function. However, this problem has been effectively solved by adding an appropriate amount of viscose to the pulp and forming a thin transparent film during the paper forming process. This film acts like an invisible barrier, effectively blocking the rapid penetration of moisture, allowing the toilet paper to maintain good structural integrity when exposed to water and not easily soaked, thereby meeting the needs of more use scenarios.

In addition to improving the waterproof performance, the transparent film formed by the viscose further enhances the durability of the paper. This film not only provides additional protection for the paper, but also enhances the bonding force between fibers, making the toilet paper more resistant to damage when subjected to external forces such as pulling and wiping. This improvement in durability not only extends the service life of toilet paper and reduces the frequency of replacement, but also conforms to modern society's call for resource conservation and environmental protection.

To achieve perfect coverage and performance of viscose on the paper surface, scientific proportions and fine process control are indispensable. During the production process, the amount of viscose added needs to be strictly controlled to ensure that it can form an effective waterproof film without negatively affecting other key properties such as softness and water absorbency of the paper. At the same time, it is also necessary to optimize the mixing, molding and drying processes to ensure that the viscose can be evenly distributed between the fibers and form a good combination with the pulp.

It is worth noting that both viscose and pulp are derived from renewable resources and have good biodegradability. This means that flushable toilet paper does not place a long-term burden on the environment during production and use. With consumers' increasing demand for environmentally friendly products, this innovative solution based on natural materials undoubtedly has broad development prospects.

The application of viscose in flushable toilet paper fabrics not only significantly improves the waterproof performance and durability of the paper, but also provides strong support for achieving environmental protection and sustainable development goals. In the future, with the continuous advancement of technology and continuous optimization of processes, we have reason to believe that flushable toilet paper fabrics will become more perfect and bring more convenience and surprises to our lives.